Who is Akaichan?
Umm... hi... i'm the owner of this blog. This is my personal blog for writing, sharing, or doing anything with this blog. Why did i make my blog? I don't know exactly what the reasons are. Maybe, one of my reasons is "i wanna have a media which i can write". But why it must be a blog??? Saya juga tidak tahu. Padahal kan banyak sekali media untuk menulis dan tidak harus blog. Mungkin yang menjadi ketertarikan saya untuk membuat blog adalah teman-teman saya yang pada punya blog. Memang sih alasannya agak "ikut-ikutan". Tapi semoga saja ini "ikut-ikutan" yang positif hehe... Lagipula sebenarnya saya juga suka menulis. So, there's nothing wrong for blogging! (i think )...
Let's back to the main question... Who is Akaichan? Yupz..... that's my nickname (when i'm online, not just for blogging or having facebook, but for gaming too ...). Akaichan means akai + chan. Akai is "red" in japanese. I love red so much so i use akai and add it with "chan". My real name is Resti Indah Permata. I'm an Indonesian and i live in palembang (kota pempek ), South Sumatera. I'm the first child in my family. This is my photo . <--- not that... .... but below....
Let's back to the main question... Who is Akaichan? Yupz..... that's my nickname (when i'm online, not just for blogging or having facebook, but for gaming too ...). Akaichan means akai + chan. Akai is "red" in japanese. I love red so much so i use akai and add it with "chan". My real name is Resti Indah Permata. I'm an Indonesian and i live in palembang (kota pempek ), South Sumatera. I'm the first child in my family. This is my photo . <--- not that... .... but below....
i'm a moslem so i wear a veil... that's my real photo. For my user image, i use lil' red riding hood. Itu lho gambar yang paling atas itu. Tidak tahu kenapa saya merasa image tersebut menggambarkan saya . Mungkin karena saya suka merah, lil' red riding hood, dan pakai kerudung kali ya... Jadinya mirip2 gitu (dimirip-miripin hehehe ).
Yupz... i think that's all
bye bye